Apple announces iPhone 3G

Apple is once again in the spotlight, and it’s all because of the recently revealed iPhone 3G. The latest version has the 3G capability and some more features that the original iPhone lacked.

1. Price Factor: The first-generation iPhone was for sure innovative. It also was an expensive gadget. The initial 8GB and 16GB models sold off for $599 and $699 respectively. The prices dropped as time passed but still many didn’t buy it. Now with the latest iPhone on it’s way, you spend significantly less money to get the device. The 8GB version will now sell for $199 and the 16GB will sell for $299. The price drop will put Apple’s smartphone into the reach of many more consumers.

2. 3G Capability: If you use your mobile phone for Web activities, then 3G is certainly an aid for you. The first-generation iPhone didn’t support the 3G connectivity but with the latest version coming, 3G is at your footsteps. According to Apple, 3G will enable you to load Web pages up to 2.8 times faster. That’s surely a big help for mobile web users.

3. Better International Support: From a user-removable SIM card to a multilingual keyboard that can be changed, new features in this model make it much more viable for international use. Wether you want to swap out your SIM card, or need to access the Web while you are abroad, this model proves to be better than the original.

The iPhone 3G eliminates some of the features and capabilities that were missing from Apple’s initial cell phone. But everyone will not want or need to buy an iPhone 3G as Apple will be realeasing an iPhone 2.0 software upgrade, which will be free to all first-generation iPhone users.
