How to Enjoy Your High Speed Internet Connection

If you’ve been using an internet connection for a long period of time there’s the probability that you would have used more than one internet service provider. In most cases people go from using a dial-up internet connection to a broadband internet connection to a faster broadband internet connection.

I also went through the same predicament but I just can’t get my broadband internet connection to be faster. After a lot of trial and error I still couldn’t fix my internet connection and make it faster. I then decided to embark on a thorough research and these are the things that I did that helped make my internet connection faster.

Inspect Your Computer

It was very difficult at first knowing what was causing my internet connection to be very slow so I had to have to do a very thorough inspection of my computer. This meant I started going through my computer to see which part of it is outdated and which part is active. I also analyzed my computer to see if I’m using any outdated software. At the end I was able to discover a lot of problems with my computer and fixing these problems contributed significantly to the speed of my internet connection.

Remove the Clutters

Even though the speed of my internet connection improved after doing the above I still wasn’t able to achieve my desired speed promised by my ISP so I needed to take my game to the next level. I then decided to troubleshoot my computer to see what was wrong. In this process I noticed that my computer used to be very slow when it is booting up and after researching online to see what was wrong I discovered the problem was with all those addons and applications cluttering my desktop. I started uninstalling the useless applications on my computer and I also began to delete the icons I no longer need from my desktop. I also created 5 major folders, and then classified all my useful desktop icons and I moved them all to those folders. That alone brought about a significant increase in the speed of my computer, and it ended up affecting my internet connection too.

Removing the clutters on your computer alone can result in you having a better high speed internet experience.

Tweak Your Browser

After doing the above I took everything further to the next level by doing one more thing – and that one thing is the most important thing a lot of people need to do. That thing was tweaking my browser.

I first uninstalled the cluttered and old browser I had installed and I installed a fresh new browser. I also ensured I only have a few very important addons installed and that I’m always shutting down my browser properly. That alone increased my browsing speed significantly.

One thing I have also observed is that changing your browser can increase your internet speed. Instead of using Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer you might want to give Google Chrome a try. At the end you will notice a great difference in the speed provided by both browsers.

This guest post is written by Paul T who writes about choosing the right high speed internet provider.
