A password being a secret access code to your email account or any other account for that matter is to be created in a way that is never cracked or guessed by anybody else. This is the only way to keep all the confidential data secure from all the cyber miscreants. Password hacking or password cracking can be defined as the recovery of the passwords that are stored on a computer or by any other illegitimate means. The password hacking is usually done retrieve the passwords in case they are forgotten. But a password hacker makes use of various methods to gain unauthorized access to email accounts or into secure systems. In order to keep your email account or your system safe, it is important that you create a password that is difficult to crack. Here are a few factors that make your password easy to hack.
- Using your name as password makes it more susceptible to hacking as anyone may easily make a guess. Using your spouse’s name or the children’s or the pet’s name is also equally prone to hacking.
- Maintaining the same password for different accounts is also a common mistake that is made by many. When any one of your account is hacked, it is natural that the other accounts have a possibility of getting intruded too.
- Using the word ‘password’ as password is also a common mistake and there are also some who use the username as the password. This makes the password and your account or system easy to hack.
- Consecutive numbers as passwords are no doubt easy to remember, but they are quite vulnerable. Using your telephone number as a password is also a bad idea.
Choosing the right password
Choosing a password that easy to remember and yet difficult to crack is not a tough job. All you need to do is just remember a few points while creating a password.
- The length of the password is an important aspect to keep in mind. The longer the password, the safer it is. Make sure you password consists of more than seven characters.
- Make a combination of numbers and alphabets in the password. Inclusion of special characters also adds extra strength to your password. For example, ri68h43. Passwords like these are difficult for a password hacker or even hacker software to guess and crack.
- Using a funny phrase that is not so popular is also a good idea. This makes it easy for you to remember your password too.
- After choosing the password, do not reveal it to anybody or write it down anywhere. This is the way you can safeguard your password from hackers.