Select and Invite all your FaceBook Friends to an Event, Page at once

When sending out an invite for an Event, Page or a Group, FaceBook doesn’t let you select all your contacts. You need to manually select the friends you wish to send an invite to. Considering the possibility of you having a large number of FaceBook friends, manually selecting each one would consume a hell lot of time.

Well, there is a way out and it’s fairly simple and doesn’t require anything to be installed. A small JavaScript command line is all that is needed.

FaceBook Invite Everybody at Once

How to Invite all your FaceBook friends at one go:

1. Fire up Google Chrome and login to your FaceBook account. Open the Page, Group or Event and click on Invite Friends.

2. An Invite box displaying all your friends will appear. Select Search All Your Friends from the drop down box. Now scroll through all your friends, ie. scroll down to the bottom of the list. This step is a must if you want to select all your friends.

3. Once you’ve scrolled the entire list, press Ctrl + Shift + J. This will open up the JavaScipt console.

4. Now copy the JavaScript below and paste it in the console (Only Ctrl + V will work) and press Enter.

javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};

FaceBook Invite All Friends Selected

You’ll notice a tick in the checkbox against the names of all your friends. Click on the Submit button and FaceBook will invite everyone. If you have a large number of friends, it may take a minute or two to send all the invites. Do not refresh the page, wait for it to finish sending the invites. You’ll be shown a message once it’s done.
