I think I spotted a UFO

Every now and then we read about people reporting UFO sightings. Though many of the reports are fake, but I always end up wondering whether there is something of the sort? There must be people who have truly experienced something and today I can without a doubt say that UFO’s aren’t just fiction, they indeed exist. I just experienced it myself.

The incident happened around 11-11:15 PM, around 4 hours ago. Me and my friends were standing outside. I live in India and Diwali celebrations were going and people were busy burning crackers and socialising. There was a lot of noise due to people burning fireworks and infact sky fireworks also kept popping up. While we were talking suddenly a friend pointed towards the sky and I saw a very bright object moving across the sky. At first we thought it was some firework but the thing didn’t fade away and rather kept moving. It sure didn’t look like an aeroplane. It was reddish-white and was very bright. It crossed the sky and got out of view. We were a bit shocked to see something like that.

Just as we were discussing about the thing, within 5 minutes it popped up again. We all had our phones in our hands and quickly made videos and took photographs. We were amazed to see something like that. Soon it went out of view. We were awestruck and had no explanation for the thing. It had to be a UFO.

We wanted to have more of it and rushed to the terrace. We started looking out for it and soon spotted it. It was very far away and looked like a star, except for the fact that it was slowly moving. We kept gazing at it and suddenly what we see is another similar object next to it. We could spot two of them, both moving around! At that time we got goose bumps, it was sort of scary. While there were a lot of fireworks in the sky, those things could be easily distinguished. They were moving towards the right side of the sky and seemed to be going away. They kept fading away and finally vanished. We waited for some time but they didn’t appear again and just as we were about to leave, my friend spotted one again. And this time it came from the left side, was nearer and brighter. It crossed the whole sky from left to right before again fading away. I personally had never seen something like that. It was so different and unique.

We waited for like another 10 minutes to catch one more glimpse but it didn’t show up. We decided to leave and just as we reached the door, I for one last time looked at the sky again but this time in the opposite direction, ie. my back and I was shocked to see it coming again! It was bright red, actually like burning red. It crossed the whole sky again. It must have been travelling at a really fast speed coz it wasn’t long before it had reached the other side of the sky and had finally disappeared.

I can’t come up with a possible explanation as to what I saw. I had an experience like never before. It was something very exciting, but at the same time a bit scary. Even while writing this post chills are running down my spine. It feels a bit disturbing thinking about all that right now. Many people would consider this experience as made up and fake, and I don’t blame them. Something like this is bound to seem fictitious and imaginary. If I were someone reading such a thing, I would feel the same but let me assure you that the photos and videos I’ve uploaded are genuine and not made up. I’ve captured everything just 4 hours back. I’m a normal guy interested in science and tech and no made up stories or fiction.

Have a close look at everything and decide for yourself.

PS: I’m going to collect all the pics and videos my friends captured and upload them too.
