Just another WordPress site Sun, 26 Jun 2022 21:41:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 3 convenient applications for the editor, student or simply active Internet user Fri, 17 Jun 2022 15:31:39 +0000 Continue reading 3 convenient applications for the editor, student or simply active Internet user]]> There are many different text editors out there and there is something for everyone. Some editors specialize in certain types of work while others have a wide range of functions.

Each editor has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are easy to use while others have difficulties with the interface or additional tools.

It is not quite right to say that one editor is better than the other. Everything depends on the tasks and features required by the user.

The most common editors can be divided into three categories: word processors, plain text editors and all-in-one solutions.

Word processors are designed for a streamlined writing experience. They do not contain many features, but they have all the necessary formatting tools including bold/italic/underline fonts, paragraph indents, numbered lists, bullet points and more. The most popular word processor is Microsoft Word which comes as part of Office suite.

Plain text editors are simple programs that allow you to write without formatting. Instead of direct formatting, they use markup text languages such as HTML or Markdown which allows you to convert text into other formats later on if you want to publish it online or share with your friends. Among plain text editors is Notepad++ – a great choice for quick note taking or small code snippets.

Focusing on large amounts of text in the era of Internet surfing and general lack of attention is not easy – but, fortunately, technology can not only distract but also help us in our work. In this article, we will consider three text editors, which seemed to us the most convenient.


The application is intended for authors whose creative impulses regularly stumble on fear of a white sheet. The OmmWriter allows you to make a white sheet of ashtray-gray, divorced blue, orange-purple or pistachio-green with one click. As you print, the background color will gradually change shade.

Several variants of fonts, several pins – and this is where the concise list of options OmmWriter ends, leaving the author alone with the desire to immediately compose something beautiful.

Final Draft

The Final Draft is a kind of magic wand that turns an ordinary user into a wizard: it has all the necessary functions for writing a script (except, understandably, inspiration and language skills). The application allows you to navigate through the characters and scenes, check spelling in 16 languages, provide pages with watermarks – and this is not counting all the basic functions required for any text editor.

Write app

For those who do not have enough minimalism alone, but lack a convenient systematization of files, there is Write. The main advantage of the application is a convenient system of organization and storage of documents (those who always can not remember where and what they saved, will especially appreciate it). And, of course, you can store your archive in the cloud, saving yourself the need to transfer files back and forth.

The minimum settings – font size and line spacing, design theme – are compensated by pleasant little things like the ability to instantly share written in social networks or send to e-mail.

8 New iOS 8 Features in Camera and Photos App Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:05:00 +0000 Continue reading 8 New iOS 8 Features in Camera and Photos App]]>

With iOS 8, Apple has added a number of new features to its mobile operating system. Recently, we listed out the best iOS 8 features and today, we’ll be detailing the various additions and enhancements that have been made to the photos and camera apps.

Though not huge, but numerous tiny tweaks and utilities have been added in iOS 8 to improve the photography experience for users.

New Camera Features in iOS 8

Time-lapse mode

A new camera mode called Time-lapse lets you capture long sequence of video like sunset, a busy city street or a person eating food. To use it, swipe the camera app screen and navigate to the Time-lapse mode. Simply press the red button and the camera will start recording the scene. Once you’re done, stop the recording and the camera app will present to you a Time-lapse video. For easy access to your recorded Time-lapses, they are stored in an album called Time-lapse.

Separate Focus & Exposure Controls

Until now, tapping an object on the screen allowed ios users to set both the focus and exposure for that particular shot, but in no way was It possible to adjust these two aspects separately. With iOS 8, Apple has added the ability to individually tweak these two settings.

To set the focus, tap on an object like usual. Once the focus is set, you’ll notice a brightness scale near the focus square. Sliding it will adjust the exposure.

Selfie Timer

For all us selfie addicts, iOS 8 camera app brings a pretty sweet feature – a selfie timer. You can set a 3 or 10 second timer by tapping on the clock icon in the camera app. Additionally, if you’re an iPhone 5s, 6 or 6 Plus user, selfie timer will make the camera click a 10-image burst shot, letting you choose the perfect selfie.

New Photo Editing Features in iOS 8

Filters & Extensions

The filters in the photos app are now not just limited to the ones provided by Apple. Using extensions, you can use the filters available in your favourite photo editing apps right within the photos app. Apps like VSCO Cam and Aviary can lend their filters to the photos app, so that you can edit your photos without having to specially open up these apps.

Smart Adjustments

The default photo editor in iOS 8 is much more powerful now and lets you tweak three aspects of a photograph: Light, Colour & B&W. Just move the “smart slider” to alter the image and the system in the background will automatically adjust value like brightness, shadows, highlights, exposure and contrast. You can even manually edit these settings. Besides this, you can also straighten horizon and adjust angles.

Hide Images and Videos From Photos App

You can now hide your nasty photos and videos from the photos app by simply tapping and holding onto them and selecting ‘hide’. Though the photo will be hidden, but beware that it will still be visible in an album called ‘hidden’.

Recover Deleted Photos

When you delete a photo or video in iOS 8, an album called “Recently Deleted” is created. Under this album, each item has a badge which displays the number of days after which it will be permanently deleted. You can recover your accidentally deleted photos from here or delete the images and videos, if not needed.

Photo Search

A search button has been added to the photos app that allows you to find photos based on time, date, location or album name. The app also presents you with suggestions while you type and even displays your recent searches, making the whole search process quicker.


What’s new in Apple iOS 8? The 5 Best Features of iOS 8 Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:03:35 +0000 Continue reading What’s new in Apple iOS 8? The 5 Best Features of iOS 8]]>

Last year Apple made huge changes to the iOS interface when it brought out iOS 7. Replacing the traditional skeuomorphism design that users had been accustomed to since the inception of iOS, Apple made way for a flatter, brighter interface. Since design was the focus point last year, this year’s iOS update, the iOS 8, is more about features and enhancements and under the hood changes.

At the first glance, iOS 8 looks exactly similar to the last year’s mobile software update, making users wonder – what’s new in iOS 8? Actually, it’s only when you delve deeper into the software that you start noticing the enhancements Apple has made to the software. Among a number of tweaks added to iOS 8, we pick the best 5 of the lot.

A quick look at the 5 Best Features of Apple iOS 8

1. Interactive Notifications

2. Custom Keyboards

3. Battery Monitoring for Apps

4. Smarter Spotlight

5. Extensions

Now let’s get to know more about these features:

Interactive Notifications

In the previous version of iOS, there was only one way to interact with a notification: tap on it and it’ll open up the respective app. With iOS 8, notifications are way more than just pop-up banners. Pulling down a notification pop-up allows you to interact with it, without opening the app and leaving what you’re doing. Say for instance, dragging down a text message notification lets you quick reply to a message right from there. In the same way, you can also respond to Emails, calendar invitations, reminders, Facebook and Twitter notifications and much more.

Install Custom Keyboards

This is one feature which people have been desperately waiting for. With iOS 8, you’re longer restricted to the default Apple keyboard and can instead install a variety of third party keyboards available on the App store. Popular keyboards like Swype and SwiftKey provide users with a new typing experience and let them swipe their fingers across the keyboard to input text. In case you do not wish to install a custom keyboard, Apple has improved the existing built-in keyboard by adding predictive text, which offers word suggestions as you start typing.

Battery Monitoring for Apps

Battery has always been a concern for Apple users, especially for power users. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could know how much battery each of your installed apps consume? iOS does exactly that and provides users with a percentage breakdown of the battery sucked by their apps. You can access this information by going to General > Usage > Battery Usage. This tiny utility can help you identify your battery hogging apps and allow you to restrict their use and also delete the unwanted ones.

Smarter Spotlight

Swipe down the home screen and up comes Spotlight, Apple’s search tool. With iOS 8, Spotlight’s capabilities have been significantly upgraded, making it much smarter. Apart from searching your device, Spotlight can now pull information from Wikipedia, show you nearby restaurants, knows what topics are trending online and even tells you movie showtimes.


Extensions allow an iOS app to lend its functionality to some other app or to the iOS operation system. For instance, an extension can enable you to translate the language of a web page right inside Safari, or you can use the filters of a photo editing app in the photos app itself, without having to open up the main app. Extensions are a great way to share functionality and allow users ease of access.


Time for Kenya to Shop Online Sat, 22 Feb 2014 11:13:16 +0000 Continue reading Time for Kenya to Shop Online]]>

If you had to buy or sell a mobile phone a few years back, the immediate place that came to your mind was the nearest mobile store. Times have changed and things are no more the same. It’s the age of the internet and e-commerce is the new supermarket.

I can’t really remember the last time I went to a store to look out for new gadgets or to simply check the price of a new gizmo. When it’s just a click away, why take the pain of driving to a store? Ya ya I know, the internet has made us too lazy, but isn’t that the reality? Shopping experience has been so simplified that it’s actually a pleasure now to explore stuff, not a trauma that it used to be. It’s not just about buying, the same applies to selling as well. With e-Bay starting the trend, e-commerce has just exploded into a huge global market with millions of online stores opening up, making each and everything available on the web.

Online shopping is already very popular in regions like America, Europe, Australia and parts of Asia. You can call it the preferred medium of shopping at these places. And it’s not just these parts of the world, the trend is catching up in other countries as well, including the African nations, and when it comes to Africa, Kenya is one country with a lot of potential in this regard. As per a CCK report, during the period July ’13 – Sep ’13, there were a total of 19.1 million internet users in Kenya. This number has only been increasing since then. Seeing the surge in the internet population, a large number of online stores have opened up in the country, serving customers with everything ranging from cakes to electronics. Services like Olx Kenya have also been foraying into the country’s online market, providing people with a platform to buy & sell through classifieds.

With the internet user base growing, more and more Kenyans are looking to shop from their homes. This presents an opportunity not just for the sellers, but also for the buyers, who’ll benefit from the increased competition by getting better services and cheaper prices.


CompTIA Mobile App Security+ for Tech Geeks Wed, 04 Dec 2013 11:13:43 +0000 Continue reading CompTIA Mobile App Security+ for Tech Geeks]]>

What is the CompTIA Mobile App Security+ ?

The CompTIA Mobile App Security+ certification is one of the most important certification offered by CompTIA. This certification is comparatively a new one in the market and it has attained the attention of the big companies and also by the private individuals who want to earn a sound and secure career in the mobile app security development. The certification intends to verify the practical skills and proficiency of the software developers in directing new apps which can maintain the security of the data and the storage of the android devices. It is vendor-neutral certifications and opens many job roles for the individuals.

How to Get CompTIA App Security+?

This App is available for all the candidates who have gained at least years of experience regarding the software development. The familiarity with the Java concepts and the other security apps development processes. The candidates can get this certification by only passing one exam. The CompTIA Mobile App Security+ is the only one required exam that can lead the candidates towards this valuable certification. The exam targets the concepts related to software development and security apps that can protect the Android devices. The exam is available on the Pearson VUE and can take the exam.

What are the details for Android Geeks?

The exam ADR-001 has 100 multiple choice questions which are to be completed in the given time period of 90 minutes. The pass mark for this exam is the 730 on a scale of 100-900. The exam is offered in only English language. The exam will certify that all the successful candidates possess the knowledge and the practical skills that are required to create a secure and native Android mobile app and also ensure that they can secure the network communications as well as backend web services.

What are principles covered in the certification exam?

Following mentioned are the core areas and topics that are covered in the certification exam:

• Security models of the android devices

• Principles of the secure application development

• The web services of the security models as well as all the vulnerabilities attached to it

• Common threats and security concerns attached to the android mobile app security

• Securing of the coding techniques

• Some common implementations of the cryptography

• Encryption for the storage as well as the communications on the android devices

A sound knowledge of the all skills mentioned above must be attained so that the individuals can easily pass the certification exam with higher scores.

What kind of job roles can be taken after getting this certification?

It has been mentioned at Selftest Trainng that the importance of CompTIA Mobile App Security+ certification has been increasing as experts and the big enterprises are accepting this certification. For this reason, some of the most secure and promising job roles like the

• Network security developer

• Software developer

• Mobile application developer

• Application development manager

In addition to all these job roles, there are many other options that can be taken by the candidates once they have successfully attained this certification.


Want a website? Let Solid Cactus make it for you Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:13:27 +0000 Continue reading Want a website? Let Solid Cactus make it for you]]>

Starting a business may seem like an extremely daunting task, but the reality is that anyone can do it nowadays, you just have to be organized and have a clear vision. You don’t have to go into debt renting a building anymore. While there’s a certain novelty to having a physical place of business, all you really need to do is rent a domain for a just a few bucks a month.

You can find online stores on the web that sell anything and everything you could possibly imagine. While large corporations have websites that sell their goods online, small businesses are also cropping up each day. It’s actually an excellent way for a fledgling entrepreneur to get started, because you don’t need to invest a great deal of money into it.

If you have a product that you’re confident in, selling it online can become a very lucrative business venture. However, it’s important that your website looks and feels as professional as possible. A lot of people make the mistake of launching a site that is extremely plain and rudimentary. 

When people are shopping online, first impressions are everything. Typically, one makes a judgement call from merely looking at a page for a few seconds before moving on, so you want to present something that is going to make a statement and keep eyes glued to the screen.

Merchants tend to design their decor and signs in an aesthetic that encourages the customer to enter and browse a store in the physical realm, and the same idea applies to the virtual world as well. You may have the most fabulous product in the world, but no one will know if you don’t market yourself well.

A professional and sleek website will also make customers more confident in buying from your website. People want to feel secure and not like they’re about to be ripped off. If your site communicates a message of trust and comfort, you’re more likely to get people to buy your product or service.

You don’t have to know the first thing about web design in order to get started. An eCommerce web developer at can do all the work for you. If you have a specific theme in mind, all you have to do is make your vision known, and someone from SolidCactus will make your dream a reality. Everything from branding to the interface of your shopping cart can be taken care of.


Jellylock: The Android Jellybean Lockscreen on your iPhone Sat, 15 Jun 2013 11:06:23 +0000 Continue reading Jellylock: The Android Jellybean Lockscreen on your iPhone]]>

So you liked the Jellybean lockscreen on your friend’s Android device but you own an iPhone? Doesn’t matter! You can get the Jellybean lockscreen on your iPhone as well. All you need is a jailbroken iPhone and the rest of the process is just a breeze. If your iPhone is not jailbroken, you can follow this guide on how to jailbreak your iPhone.

This Cydia tweak, which goes by the name Jellylock, attempts to replicate the Android Jellybean lockscreen experience on the iPhone. It gives your lockscreen a pretty slick look and is a nice change from the default iPhone lockscreen (YawN!). Just like the Android version, Jellylock allows you to place app shorcuts on the lockscreen. You have the option to place upto 6 app shortcuts, which can be chosen from the Jellylock settings menu.

Apart from the app shorcuts, there’s another handy feature to this lockscreen. With Jellylock, you can invoke your personal assistant from the lockscreen as well and it doesn’t necessarily have to be Siri, you can choose Google Now too. Concerned about someone misusing it? Don’t worry, the control to bring up the assistant is hidden. Right beneath the normal lock, an invisible lock is placed, which reveals the ability to launch an assistant. Tap below the normal lock and drag it to Siri/Google Now button and your assistant will come up.

You can download Jellylock from the Cydia store for free.


Zoho: The Ticket System to Success Fri, 03 May 2013 11:13:31 +0000 Continue reading Zoho: The Ticket System to Success]]>

Large corporations spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for software to organize their internal and external support organizations. Small offices rely on the memories and “sticky notes” of a few dedicated individuals. Zoho provides a system which can meet the needs of both in a web-based service. In addition to basic task or ticket management, Zoho offers features which add to the basic support mission. Logo

Management reports provide insight into support activities and problems encountered. Contact tracking means that everyone from sales to the CEO can make sure that addressing issue histories doesn’t become a future sales challenge, whether the client is small or a major account.

Social media fans are noticing that sometimes when they post complaints, concerns and even compliments on Facebook, Twitter, and similar media, they’re getting direct, personal attention from the company involved. It makes a big impression when it happens, and often results in a positive word-of-mouth message for the responsive company. Zoho has ways to get “out there” in social media and get involved in an organized way. Zoho’s online system provides customer service software which they update and maintain. Their client companies create an account and just get to work. Zoho’s experience with their clients also results in improvements to the system which benefit everybody who uses it. Chances are, help desk and support organization managers who are asked to implement new ideas from corporate management such as social media involvement will find that it’s already done and ready to go.


iPhone 5, iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak released! Here’s how to Jailbreak your iDevice Tue, 05 Feb 2013 11:05:46 +0000 Continue reading iPhone 5, iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak released! Here’s how to Jailbreak your iDevice]]>

Finally! After such a long wait, a group of hackers who go by the name Evad3rs, have released the first usable, untethered jailbreak for the iPhone 5 and the iPad Mini. With iOS 6, Apple greatly enhanced the security of the new OS and hence made jailbreaking a pain in the A. Hackers have been working really hard during the past few months, trying to figure out ways to jailbreak the new iPhone and iOS 6. Now the wait has finally ended and what we have before us is a fully working iOS 6.1 untethered jailbreak. And as always, it’s absolutely free.

Evasi0n Jailbreak iOS 6.1, iPhone 5

The jailbreaking software, named Evasi0n, allows you to jailbreak any iOS device running iOS 6 – iOS 6.1, with the exception of Apple TV (3rd generation). Evasi0n is available for download on all the platforms, ie. Windows, Mac and Linux. The following is a list of devices supported by Evasi0n:

iPhone 5

iPhone 4S

iPhone 4

iPhone 3GS

iPad 4

iPad 3

iPad 2

iPad mini

iPod touch 5

iPod touch 4

Apple TV 2

Before you begin, make sure that your iDevice is atleast running iOS 6. It’s better that you update to iOS 6.1 because the new update brings certain enhancements and bug fixes. You can also update your iDevice Over-The-Air (OTA) and then jailbreak it. I just updated my iPad 3 OTA to iOS 6.1 and jailbroke it using Evasi0n. I personally didn’t experience any complications during the process. But if you go by Planetbeing, a member of the Evad3rs group, a clean restore should be made, if possible.

The best way to prepare and perform the iOS 6 jailbreak is as follows:

1. Make sure you’ve backed up your iDevice using iTunes. This is a must to avoid any data loss.

2. Do a Restore using iTunes. Don’t Update, go for the Restore.

3. Once iTunes is done restoring your Apple device, the setup screen will appear on YOUR DEVICE. From there, select “Set up as new device”. DO NOT select “Set up as new iPhone/iPad” or “Restore from backup” on iTunes yet. Quit iTunes.

4. Now download the Evasi0n jailbreak tool.

Evasi0n Untethered Jailbreak Interface - iOS 6.1, iPhone 5

5. Extract it and run it. As you can see above, your iDevice must not have a passcode as it can cause complications during the jailbreak process, hence you need to remove it before you begin. Click on the ‘Jailbreak’ button and the process should begin. It’s a no hassles thing, no putting your device into DFU, it’s simple and clean. Just follow the instructions on the screen and you should have your iDevice jailbroken within 5 minutes.

6. Once it’s done, your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch will have Cydia installed. Open it up and allow it to “prepare the filesystem” and then wait for it to respring your iDevice.

7. Start iTunes again and select “Restore from backup” option so as to get all your stuff back.

Following these steps will ensure that you’re able to jailbreak smoothly and without any errors.

The members of the Evad3rs group have worked really hard to bring out the Evasi0n iPhone 5 and iOS 6.1 untethered jailbreak. If you wish, you can donate to these genious minds through your Paypal account, details of which can be seen at their official website.



BlackBerry 10 will bring new task manager, video chat and screen sharing in BBM Fri, 28 Dec 2012 11:13:37 +0000 Continue reading BlackBerry 10 will bring new task manager, video chat and screen sharing in BBM]]>

When BlackBerry 10 showed up, Thorsten Heins, CEO of RIM, hinted that video chat might be incorporated in BBM. Recently leaked images on Crackberry suggest that the CEO was right, video chat is indeed coming to BBM.

Blackberry 10 - Video Chat and Screen Sharing in BBM

The images, which are thought to be leaked presentation slides, have by now been taken down on various sites. This just adds to the legitimacy of the screens as there’s a high probability that a strongly worded request by RIM may have led to the removal. Apart from BBM video chat, these images also depict the ability to screen share during a video call on the BB 10 platform. One of the slides also details the BB 10 task manager called “BlackBerry Remember”. The new task manager can sync with MS Outlook and may also come with Evernote integration.

Blackberry 10 Screen Sharing bb-10-blackberry-remember-task-manager

Here’s the statement given by RIM in regard to these leaked slides:

“We understand that there is a lot of excitement for BlackBerry 10. We will launch the platform on January 30th and until then we won’t comment on speculation.”

Another great feature to this phone is the ability to scan barcodes of any old DVDs, CDs, or games that you have lying around the house, in order to send them off the in order to make some cash.

